Tag Archives: Energy Healing

Distance Healing Spell

Distance Healing Spell

Candles for distance healing spell

Here is a simple distance healing spell.  The tools that you need for this spell are:

3 white candles
A picture of the person you want to heal (If you don’t have a picture, write his or her name on a piece of paper and try to visualise the person during the spell.
A quartz crystal
Rose, Eucalyptus, gardenia or Peppermint incense

You will be summoning the Irish goddess Brigid for this healing – or if you prefer, the Sumerian counterpart Nanna. You can invoke the Goddess with either of these names to give your healing spell extra power.

The Healing Spell

Light the white candles in a semi-circle in front of you and place the incense to one side. Take the picture of the person you are healing and place it inside the circle, facing you. Put the quartz crystal on top of it.

Invoke the Goddess of healing through a prayer or chant.

Ground and center yourself, and then start raising energy. Do this in whichever way feels best to you – by singing, chanting, drumming, dancing, or simply visualising. When you have built up energy and reach your peak energy, direct it towards the photo of the recipient. Make sure that the energy travels through the quartz as this will enhance the energy (quartz is a very powerful crystal).

Visualise the candles forming a protective ring of fire around the person you are healing, blocking all pain and harm from them.  The healing light is coming through you and finding the source of their illness or pain. See this energy coating them, relieving their pain, filling them with energy and vitality.

After this, you will want to ground yourself and re-energise yourself.  Eating a piece of bread or other food will help you do this.

If you invoked the Goddess, thank her now.

Self-Healing Incantation

Self-Healing Incantation

self-healing incantationMagic healing is a very old and complex art. Its effectiveness depends on the receptivity of the person to be healed, on the talent of the healer and the type of energy they uses, and it also depends on the severity and rate of progression of the disease. Although witchcraft can repair the body and soothe the mind, you should never cease taking prescribed allopathic medicine for magic. The both can combine beautifully.

Incantation for Self-Healing

This mantra allows a Wiccan to tap into the powerful energies of the elements to regenerate his or her health.

By Earth and Water,

Air and By Fire,

May you hear this wish,

Sources of Life and Light

Sources of the day and of the Earth,

I invoke you here,

Heal my body and mind.